Verena Kuni (2015): „F (ANALOGITAL)“

Author: Verena Kuni
Full Title: F (ANALOGITAL)
Published: August 2015
Language: English
Pages: 17

Citation: Kuni, Verena (2015): „F (ANALOGITAL).“ Kulle, Daniel/Lund, Cornelia/Schmidt, Oliver/Ziegenhagen, David (eds.): Post-digital Culture,

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As already Marshall McLuhan pointed out media usually don’t just replace each other but rather merge to influence and augment each other. This is not only true for their technical, but first and foremost for their cultural use—two uses which are hard to separate, but certainly are not the same. What does this mean for film, or better: for what we still call ‘film’—even, if the imaging technology completely or partly does without support or storage material? In what sense and how do the parameters survive that have determined the medium film and film culture before the rise of digital technology? What kind of transfers and transformations can be observed? Or, if we ask with McLuhan: what about the “furious release of energy and change” bred by these “hybrid unions”? Which kinds of bastards are set free?

To answer these questions, it might be fruitful to enlarge the perspective and to analyze the actual situation of so called ‘analog’ and ‘digital’ media technologies and cultures.

About the Author

Verena Kuni is scholar in the field of art, cultural and media studies and professor for visual culture at the Goethe University, Frankfurt Main. Her curatorial work is dedicated to interdisciplinary projects and programs at the intersections of theory and practice. Her research focuses a. o. on transfers between material and media cultures; media of imagination and technologies of transformation; DIY and prosumer cultures; urban biotopes and techno/nature/cultures; toys and/as tools; visual epistemology; information design and/as figurations of knowledge; (in)visibilities; alternate realities and (trans)formations of time. She has published widely on contemporary arts, culture & media.